Date(s): October 3 thru October 7, 2014
Attendees: Mike Cerruti, Hugh Shytle, Herb Coleman
Harvest: Mike harvested a 100lb doe from the box blind in the Big Field
Other wildlife sightings:
- Herb saw deer and turkey from the box blind in Field 1
- Hugh saw and passed on deer in the near lobe of the Big Field and turkey and deer in the box blind in the Big Field and saw turkey from the ladder stand by the wood pile
- Mike also saw a couple of spike bucks from the box blind in the Big Field and deer and turkey from the box blind in the New Field
Projects Included:
- Lay down 3/4″ plywood in attic
- Fill water in solar batteries
- Replace the gear hoist lines on all hunting stands
- Mike and Hugh cleaned their very dirty muzzleloaders